Become a Disneteer!

Want to join our network? Choose the plan that best matches your situation. Membership dues enable us to keep DisNet running and include access to:

  • Annual Conference
  • Career Support
  • Book Launches
  • Call for Papers
  • Writing Groups
  • Research Profile Showcase
  • Mentoring
  • Events
  • Publishing Panels
  • Member’s Portal
  • Networking Oppourtunities
  • Work in Progress Sessions
  • Career Development Panels (PGR, Early Career, Alt-Ac)
  • Access to the International Journal of Disney Studies

A note on the tier system: We set up different tiers of membership so that DisNet could be accessible to as many people as possible while still being able to fund the work we do to support all of our members and Disney Studies as a field. Please choose the membership that most closely aligns with your situation. If you are unsure what tier your country of residence is in, see the United Nations’ explanation (with countries identified in tables A, B, and C, corresponding to the three tiers identified in DisNet’s membership tiers).

Also, if you’d like to make a donation to support DisNet maintenance and/or membership for other DisNeteers, do so here!

If you would like to request a fee waiver, do so here!